Saturday, August 13, 2005


Just a quick update for all you blogophiles out there...

Our BOOK DRIVE was a great success. We donated 600+ books to the Tallyn's Reach Library in appreciation for their generosity in allowing us to meet in their community room for free every week. I received the following letter from the Aurora Library District:

Dear Jeff,
On behalf of the Tallyn's Reach Library, I would like to thank you and all members of the Harvest Community Church who contributed to the book drive for the library. It is always a pleasure to receive such generous gifts that will benefit Tallyn's Reach and the entire Aurora Public Library. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated and we look forward to continuing our relationship with the Harvest Community Church.

One of our key jobs as Christians on this planet is to be a blessing to others. Thanks to everyone for blessing the library this way, and extra thanks to Camron for the idea and all the hard work!

For our next Compassion Project, we are hoping to bring a blessing to a local Retirement Center. Stay tuned for details.


I recently came across a brilliant blog site run by an old friend of mine. His name is Keith and he's one of the smartest men I know. His blog covers current issues, theology, and Joel Osteen. I think it's safe to say I agree with nearly everything this man has to say. (Keith, that is. Not Joel Osteen...)

Anyway, see for yourself: The Christian Mind.


Some of you have told me that you like the pictures here. So here are some more to promote our upcoming Church in the Park at 10 AM on August 28th (see the Harvest website for more info).

If you come, you'll meet friendly people like this:


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