Do you need encouragement today? Of course you do. Do you know anyone who doesn’t need encouragement today? We all need to be built up, if for no other reason than because it’s so easy to talk ourselves down. Circumstances get hard, our faith starts to slip, and over time, our confidence in God’s goodness and our passion for Him disappear.
There is a solution to this problem: Go to church.
No, that’s not just my clever marketing ploy; it comes straight from God’s Word. It’s the Bible that connects encouragement with attendance at church:
“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25
I have a couple of friends with diabetes. They need to constantly monitor their blood sugar level. One of them gives himself insulin shots to keep his body balanced and healthy. The other one hates needles and is trying to manage the disease through willpower. Guess which one is having a harder time?
Encouragement is the insulin to our souls. It reminds our inner person that things will be okay, that God is trustworthy, and that we are loved and cared for. We all need these reminders to stay spiritually healthy. When we try and manage on our own, we crash.
The way God designed this encouragement to be distributed is through the church. If you’re skipping out on meeting together “as some are in the habit of doing”, you’re losing spiritual health, and are going to have a much harder time managing life. God has something incredible for you at church; don’t miss it!
Last Sunday, we talked about “How to Get the Most Out of Church”, and you can listen to it here.
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